Friday, January 16, 2009

Cold(s) suck...

It is absolutely freezing outside and has been for 3 days.

Yes, I realize we live in Iowa.

Yes, I understand that we always have rough winters but SERIOUSLY! Stop the madness!

AND, I hate the sounds of snow right now - you know how it squeaks when you step on it? Makes me cringe even thinking about it.

AND, I have a cough.

Stupid Winter.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hey, Hey! Happy New Year!

Yippee! 2009 is here and I am Johnny on the Spot updating my blog! Happy January 12th! I hope you made some New Year's resolutions that you have held for the first two weeks!

I must admit the Holidays were great in a lot of ways but one way they really sucked was with regard to my fitness routine and weight. One went way down and the other shot up - I will let you guess which fits where. I would be happy to help you figure it out provided you are willing to risk your life asking.

I did walk the other night while watching Rock of Love Tour Bus. When else can you justify spending (wasting) your time watching complete hussies throw themselves at BRET MICHAELS? EEEWW!!! Talk about being thankful for my plain, simple, non botoxed, fully clothed, non alcoholic, regular old midwestern life!

On another addiction to the Bachelor has resurfaced with the new season. My early pick is Melissa. Maybe I should only allow myself the time to watch it if I am working out - or maybe not. I really like using DVR to breeze past commercials and boring parts (not to mention rewatching the good parts!) As the hubby points out, the couples never last. HELLO - I KNOW THAT, I watch it every season but it is still a happy time filler!

Back to business - Yes, I will get back on the wagon. As one friend put it, I am so far off the wagon I can't even see it right now but look out wagon, I am coming for you!